The best service and the best turn-around time is what you can expect from our appraisers. Our residential reports can be expected within a twenty-four to forty-eight hour turn-around time from when we inspect the property. We also offer competitive rates, prompt attention to your instruction specifications and friendly customer service.
We provide residential appraisals for single family homes, condominium properties, manufacture and mobile homes, duplexes and acreages. Our service area is all of central Alberta centralized around the City of Red Deer: from Drumheller to Ponoka, Rocky Mountain House to Stettler. We are approved by all major lenders’ approved appraiser lists and our appraisers are fully certified, insured and licensed by the Real Estate Council of Alberta.
TruePoint Appraisals is constantly adapting to the needs of the residential community to make our reports better streamlined and quick. We are evolving our profession in new and exciting ways to improve your experience with us and improve our service to you.